Saturday, October 4, 2008


The St. George Marathon was this morning and once again, it was FREEZING!! It was windy, cold, and raining sideways. My feet were saturated before the race even began. There's bonfires in the morning and the wind was blowing so hard people had to stand WAY back. Anyway, this was my first marathon that I didn't cramp up, so that was nice. I ran with a friend from work, Stu Short, 22 years old from Sacramento, and a friend from High School, Dr. Tyler Carlson, 32. Stu ditched us at mile 3 for a 3:02 finish which qualifies him for Boston. I ditched Tyler at mile 7, he then caught me at mile 24, and we ran together til the last 2 tenths of the race. Tyler finished 3:50 and I finished with a personal record of 3:52. I'm really happy with my time, my overall performance, especially considering the conditions, it was MISERABLE! This is the best I've ever felt during a marathon. But I think it'll be my last, triathlons are the way to go. They don't hurt nearly as bad.

1 comment:

lovejoys said...

Yes, I love the triathalons. They are like marathons but much more fun and people are more amazed at triathalons because people are so afraid of the swim.